- Cost-competitive, stable, reliable and convenient-to-use.
- Cryogenic wafer-scale testing and low temperature semiconductor testing.
- Temperature range from 4K to 480K (0.1K or better accuracy). Different ranges are available if fitted with different CCRs.
- Closed cycle refrigerator for cost effective cryogen-free operations.
- Cryogenic Device Characterization of 1” diameter wafers up to 8” diameter wafers (depending on the model).
- DC to over 67GHz measurements with single CCR solution, >110GHz testing with dual CCR solution.
- 4 micro-manipulated probe arms (up to 8 available in optional configurations), with highly accurate XYZ and optionally θ (for RF and wedge DC probes) adjustment.
- Thermally anchored probe tips.
- Optional 1st stage-cooled radiation shutter and 1st stage-cooled sapphire viewport.
- Temperature-controlled radiation shield.
- Clear view top window (high purity quartz is available as an option).
- High frequency vibration damping.
- High level of customization to accommodate most exotic probing needs.